Best Presentation Award (SI2021)
The following presentation received the Best Presentation Award at SI2021@Online. 小池裕貴,橋本卓弥,菊池貴博,道脇幸博,“機能的電気刺激[…]
The following presentation received the Best Presentation Award at SI2021@Online. 小池裕貴,橋本卓弥,菊池貴博,道脇幸博,“機能的電気刺激[…]
The following presentation received the Best Presentation Award at NSCA Japan S&C Conference2021@Online. 望[…]
The following presentation received the Best Presentation Award at SI2019@Takamatsu, Kagawa. 寺木良多,李松,橋本卓弥,小林 宏[…]
The following paper was ranked 6th of JSME Access Ranking Top 10. 佐藤裕,何佳欧,小林寛征,村松慶紀,橋本卓弥,小林 宏,“腰補助用マッスルスーツの開発と[…]
Our presentation of the following paper at ISCIIA2016@Beijing, CAHINA on Nov. 3-6 was awarded Session Best Pre[…]