

We established lab’s philosophy. Its spirit will penetrate into the mind of lab’s members thorough daily activities. But, don’t be trapped in one thought as stereotyped people, and more important is to have own philosophy to enjoy your life and make someone happy!
This philosophy will be updated according to the times as nothing is permanent.


Enjoy your research activities without hesitation. Do think optimistically as everything goes well, and don’t be afraid of failure so much. Besides, we always help you to solve problems. Anyway, you have to enjoy your life anytime, anywhere.

Team Communication

Be conscious of communal living: greeting people, be punctual, don’t miss a deadline, etc.. You should always communicate with the other members, and don’t be indifferent to the others. You should help the other members if necessary.

Do Your Best

Do your best toward improving you and the other members. Sometimes our best efforts are ineffectual, but that is life! Enjoy adversity!


There is no decline in life. Don’t compromise, don’t be satisfied in the current stage, don’t complaint always, do try to make everything better. You should step forward at least 1 nm instead of stopping. Don’t look back, look forward. Do try to do thing what you never did.


Life is luck. Sometimes you should go with the flow. The important thing to seize opportunities is to place yourself in a situation where many occasions and challengings are laid.

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