We presented the following papers at ROBOMECH2019@Hiroshima, Japan on June 5-8. 橋本卓弥,福田佳正,菊池直樹, “運動計測用パドルを用いたカ[…]
Accepted! Research Grant (A) from Tateisi Science and Technology Foundation
We obtain a research grant (A) from Tateisi Science and Technology Foundation for the following project. 公益財団法[…]
Accepted! Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B), KAKENHI
We obtain a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) from MEXT, KAKENHI, for the following project. 2019年度 独立行[…]
New Member!
Following 9 undergraduate students and a research student joined. Satoki Takase Naoya Goto Sayumi Kaneko Atsuh[…]
Good Luck!
Following 11 members were graduated. If we have a chance, why don’t we do research together again! Fumia[…]
The following paper has been published. 橋本卓弥,“嚥下の筋骨格モデル”,嚥下医学,Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 15-20(2022. 2)(査読なし)