The 53rd Annual Meeting of JSME
We presented the following paper at The 53rd Annual Meeting of JSME@Online on June 25-26. 橋本卓弥,“医学教育における医工連携の可[…]
JSME Bioengineering Conference2021
We presented the following paper at JSME Bioengieering Conference2021@Online on June 25-26. 橋本卓弥,菊地貴博,道脇幸博,“嚥下[…]
We presented the following 2 papers at ROBOMECH2021@Online on June 6-8. 本間悟史,橋本卓弥,藤倉輝道,早坂明哲,竹下俊行,伊藤保彦,大久保公裕,竹村[…]
New Member!
Following 8 research and undergraduate students joined. 楊 森(Research Student) Yuka Shinatani Kagetoshi Sugish[…]
Good Luck!
Following 5 members were graduated. If we have a chance, why don’t we do research together again! Takuya Kaji[…]