Accepted! Research Grant from The Telecommunications Advanced Foundation
We obtain a research grant from The Telecommunications Advanced Foundation for the following project. 2022年度 独[…]
We obtain a research grant from The Telecommunications Advanced Foundation for the following project. 2022年度 独[…]
We obtain a research grant from KDDI foundation for the following project. 2022年度 独立行政法人日本学術振興会 科研費 挑戦的研究(萌芽)([…]
Following 8 members were graduated. If we have a chance, why don’t we do research together again! Yuki Koike […]
The following presentation received the Best Presentation Award at SI2021@Online. 小池裕貴,橋本卓弥,菊池貴博,道脇幸博,“機能的電気刺激[…]
The following presentation received the Best Presentation Award at NSCA Japan S&C Conference2021@Online. 望[…]
The publication of the following paper has been accepted. Akito Tohma, Maho Nishikawa, Takuya Hashimoto, Yoich[…]
We presented the following paper at NSCA Japan S&C Conference2021@Online on Dec. 11-12. 望月佑季奈,本間洋樹,橋本卓弥,菊池[…]